Can't believe it... as of yesterday they are 2 months old.
Today we had lunch with Ms Jenny and then headed to the doctor's office. We had our 2 mo. checkup and all looks good! Siddalee had an ear infection last week and doctor says it looks better already. We did have to get shots which was not fun. Mommy got tears in her eyes... it's hard to see your babies in such pain. But they were both troopers and only took a few seconds to recover once they were in mommy's arms :) (Thank you Jenny for joining us, it was nice to have an extra pair of cuddly arms!!)
Doctor says we can up feedings and go longer in between... Max is not going to like this! He loves to eat about every 2 1/2 hours and doctor says he should be able to stretch to 4 now!! We are also supposed to do more tummy time, which neither of my children enjoy.
Mommy's running scheduled has already been derailed for one reason or another. I really need to find a running partner, that would be a big motivator!! Never did start the P90x so we'll have to work on that.